My name is Zachary (Zack) Porat. I am currently a PhD candidate in mathematics at Wesleyan University. My advisor is David Pollack.
My research interests lie in number theory. In particular, I study automorphic forms for congruence subgroups of SL(3, Z).
Before Wesleyan, I obtained my B.S. in Mathematics from Union College. Outside of math, I enjoy bouldering and playing trumpet. I also occasionally blog about my travels as a grad student.
Here is a copy of my CV, last updated in October 2024: PDF
(Note that preprints may differ from the final published version.)
I am not teaching in Spring 2025.
While at Wesleyan, I have taught Calculus I and Elementary Statistics. I have also been a Teaching Assistant for several courses and worked in the Math Workshop.
Additionally, I have run several mentorship projects as part of Wesleyan’s Directed Reading Program.
I am currently the President of Wesleyan’s AMS Graduate Student Chapter. I am also one of the organizers of our Directed Reading Program.
Additionally, from Spring 2022 through Fall 2023, I was a co-organizer of the departmental Graduate Student Seminar.
Here are some notes and code that I have put together for one reason or another. Please let me know if you find any errors.
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